The Escape of Princess Madeline, by Kirstin Pulioff

​Here is my review of The Escape of Princess Madeline by Kirstin Pulioff

**Mild Spoilers**

When I came across this book I was looking for MG fantasy/fairy tale fiction and the terrific cover art caught my eye.

I found this book very accessible and Kirstin set the characters up perfectly right off the start. I enjoyed that the story is largely told from Madeline's perspective. I felt her frustration with her situation was very accurately presented from the often overly emotional point of view of a teenage girl.

Before long Madeline finds herself in over her head. Although, I don't think she recognizes the danger she is in right away. She soon finds independence comes at a cost.

I loved how Madeline comes full circle on her own, in her own mind, in her own time. She doesn't need to be 'saved' by her knight in the traditional sense. Her experiences change her and she grows into her evolved world view organically.

As a father of two daughters I really enjoyed the use of the green dress as a symbol for bringing Madeline and her father's relationship through a period of transition.

This was great little story. I recommend it for any fan of fairy tales or middle grade fiction.

So please follow this link and buy this book . ​For little more than the price of a cup of coffee you can support this talented author.

Check out her author's page on goodreads​.